How Digital Twin technology is helping to increase supply chain resilience

It might sound spooky or sci-fi movie, but the “digital twin” technology is fast grabbing the attention of organizations across all major industries.

A Digital Twin is a dynamic digitized model of a physical object or system that relies on data from sensors to understand its status, respond to changes, improve operations and add value.

In the context of supply chains, a DT is a virtual replica, potentially comprising thousands of assets, warehouses, logistics and inventory locations. It offers a clear view of the risks faced by complex and interconnected supply chains. This allows supply chains to be agile, because risk is identified early and disruptions are minimized, or perhaps even avoided.

DTs enable organizations to improve a range of metrics, such as cost, operational efficiency, lead time, and sustainability. The technology allows companies to digitally model, simulate, test and analyze their products, services and systems before putting them on the market.

From design to manufacturing, companies can experiment with different scenarios and evaluate the impact of each decision without tangible and real losses. The benefits? Risk-free, low-cost system improvement along the entire value chain.

DTs can also transform the way people work, alter the employee experience and improve safety.

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