How Pharmaceutical Global Logistics is Changing

The pharmaceutical industry is constantly evolving, with new products being developed and brought to market every year.

Pharmaceutical products require transportation and storage options that are temperature-controlled, and ensuring optimum temperature and humidity conditions in an efficient and seamless cold supply chain is crucial to preserving the quality and integrity of these sensitive goods and safeguarding the patient.

The demand for advanced pharmaceuticals in middle to low-income countries is also pushing cold chains to globalize. Logistic providers must ensure these needs are met, offering a global network for localized, reliable delivery – all while complying with each country’s regulations.

Given the high value of pharmaceutical goods, their perishable nature, and susceptibility to temperature changes, cold chain shipping providers should have the technology, resources, and network in place for handling lower volumes of products with tight manufacturing-to-patient timeframes.

Smart packaging which delivers traceability and precise shipment tracking is now a cornerstone of supply chain fulfillment. This allows for in-transit compliance checks and on-delivery sign-off, delivering a complete electronic and hard-copy audit trail across the entire logistics process providing complete visibility and transparency to customers.

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