Port of Genoa to be reached by new container line between Far East and Spain

The port of Genoa will soon be reached by a new sea transport container service from the Far and Middle East to Spain, operated solely by the South Korean company, Hmm. The news was revealed by a poster from the company that is already circulating among industry insiders in Italy. At the moment, limited information has been released, including the name of the connection (Fim), the number of ships used (twelve), and the rotation that will be observed.

The rotation will include the following ports in order: Busan, Kwangyang, Yangshan, Ningbo, Shekou, Singapore, Port Klang, Kattupalli, Nhava Sheva, Mundra, Karachi, Jeddah, Damietta, Piraeus, Genoa, Valencia, Barcelona, Piraeus, Damietta, Jeddah, Karachi, Mundra, Nhava Sheva, Kattupalli, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Busan. The capacity of these ships will be around 8-10,000 TEUs, and the terminal scaled will be the Psa of Genoa Pra’.

Hmm added that the entire journey will take 84 days, while it is not yet known when Fim will be operational or when its inaugural stop in Genoa will take place.

This new container line will be a significant addition to the transport industry between the Far and Middle East and Spain. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development.

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